1,201 research outputs found

    Gibt es geeignete Legehybriden für die Öko-Haltung?

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    In einem Feldversuch wurden Eignungs- und Leistungstests an verschiedenen Legehybriden-Herkünften durchgeführt. Wegen verstärkt auftretendem Federpicken bei ihren Legehennen initiierten schleswig-holsteinische Bio-Betriebe und der Ökoring Schleswig Holstein mit Unterstützung der Erna-Graff-Stiftung für Tierschutz Berlin einen Eignungstest für verschiedene Legehennen-Herkünfte, um eine für den ökologischen Landbau geeignete Legehenne zu finden. Die Erfassung von Gefiederschäden, Eiqualität und die Ergebnisauswertung wurden in Zusammenarbeit mit dem HDLGN Tierzuchtzentrum Neu-Ulrichstein durchgeführt

    Surface wind convergence as a short-term predictor of cloud-to-ground lightning at Kennedy Space Center: A four-year summary and evaluation

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    Since 1986, USAF forecasters at NASA-Kennedy have had available a surface wind convergence technique for use during periods of convective development. In Florida during the summer, most of the thunderstorm development is forced by boundary layer processes. The basic premise is that the life cycle of convection is reflected in the surface wind field beneath these storms. Therefore the monitoring of the local surface divergence and/or convergence fields can be used to determine timing, location, longevity, and the lightning hazards which accompany these thunderstorms. This study evaluates four years of monitoring thunderstorm development using surface wind convergence, particularly the average over the area. Cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning is related in time and space with surface convergence for 346 days during the summers of 1987 through 1990 over the expanded wind network at KSC. The relationships are subdivided according to low level wind flow and midlevel moisture patterns. Results show a one in three chance of CG lightning when a convergence event is identified. However, when there is no convergence, the chance of CG lightning is negligible

    The TeleTAnDem intervention - Study protocol for a psychotherapeutic intervention for family caregivers of people with dementia

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    Soellner R, Reder M, Machmer A, Holle R, Wilz G. The TeleTAnDem intervention - Study protocol for a psychotherapeutic intervention for family caregivers of people with dementia. BMC Nursing. 2015;14(11): 11

    Kinetika Adsorpsi Gas Benzena Pada Karbon Aktif Tempurung Kelapa

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    Telah diteliti kinetika adsorpsi gas benzena pada karbon aktif tempurung kelapa yang diaktivasi dengan NaCl dengan tujuan menentukan model kinetika yang dapat diaplikasikan untuk adsorpsi gas benzena pada karbon aktif tempurung kelapa. Data adsorpsi dianalisis dengan menggunakan empat model persamaan laju adsorpsi yaitu (1) persamaan laju order pertama pseudo Lagergren, (2) persamaan laju order kedua pseudo Ho, (3) persamaan Elovich, dan (4) persamaan Ritchie. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa model kinetika dengan persamaan laju order ke-2 pseudo Ho adalah yang paling sesuai diaplikasikan untuk adsorpsi gas benzena pada karbon aktif tempurung kelapa. Dari model kinetika order ke-2 pseudo Ho diperoleh konstanta adsorpsi benzena sebesar 1,63x10-4 g mg-1 min-1. Nilai energi adsorpsi menunjukkan bahwa benzena teradsorpsi secara fisik pada adsorben.Kinetics of gaseous benzene adsorption on coconut shell NaCl-activated carbon had been studied. The research was aimed to determine the appropriate kinetic model applied to gaseous benzene adsorption on the adsorbent. Adsorption data was analyzed using four kinetic models of adsorption rate equation, which were (1) Lagergren's pseudo first order rate equation, (2) Ho's pseudo second order rate equation, (3) Elovich‘s equation, and (4) Ritchie's equation. The results showed that the Ho's pseudo second order rate equation was best applied to gaseous benzene adsorption on coconut shell activated carbon. The second order rate constant for benzene adsorption was 1.63x10-4 g mg-1 min-1. The value of adsorption energy showed that benzene was physically adsorbed on the adsorbent


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    Ekstraksi dan Karakterisasi Tanin dari Biji Pinang Hutan (Pinanga Khulli) sebagai Pewarna Tekstil

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    Ekstraksi tanin dari biji pinang hutan (Pinanga khulli), sebagai dasar pewarna tekstil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengekstraksi dan karakterisasi tanin dari biji pinang hutan. Penelitian dilakukan di laboratorium Kimia Universitas Cenderawasih. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah biji pinang hutan dari Arso 10, Kabupaten Keerom. Sebanyak 300 gram biji pinang hutan kering halus yang dimaserasi dengan 400 mL metanol.Maserat metanol dievaporasi dan maserat kental diperoleh sebanyak 60,3849 gram atau 20,12%. Hasil uji tanin menggunakan FeCl3 menunjukkan adanya tanin sedangkan uji identifikasi kromatografi lapis tipis diperoleh nilai Rf adalah 0,7. Uji karakteristik maserat terhadap penjemuran pada sinar matahari dan penyimpanan pada suhu kamar dengan variasi waktu 6, 12, 18 dan 24 jam, nilai absorbansi spektrofotometer pada UV-Vis, λ = 400-600 nm, menurun disebabkan degradasi warna. Semakin lama waktu penjemuran dan penyimpanan nilai absorbansi menurun.Maserat biji pinang kental yang diperoleh dilakukan proses pencelupan kain jenis poli ester (PE). Proses pewarnaan dilakukan dengan perendaman selama 3 jam pada suhu 90ºC dan dilanjutkan dengan fiksasi dengan menggunakan FeSO4 dan tawas, Al2(SO4)3 selama 15 menit. Pewarnaan dengan maserat biji pinang hutan memberikan hasil yang baik pada kain. Hasil pencelupan kain dan proses fiksasi dengan Al2(SO4)3 serta uji kelunturan memberikan warna kain yang hampir sama dengan warna biji pinang hutan kering yaitu coklat muda.Kata Kunci : Biji pinang hutan (Pinanga khulli), Tanin, Pewarna alami

    Symmetry breaking in crossed magnetic and electric fields

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    We present the first observations of cylindrical symmetry breaking in highly excited diamagnetic hydrogen with a small crossed electric field, and we give a semiclassical interpretation of this effect. As the small perpendicular electric field is added, the recurrence strengths of closed orbits decrease smoothly to a minimum, and revive again. This phenomenon, caused by interference among the electron waves that return to the nucleus, can be computed from the azimuthal dependence of the classical closed orbits.Comment: 4 page REVTeX file including 5 postscript files (using psfig) Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters. Difference from earlier preprint: we have discovered the cause of the earlier apparent discrepancy between experiment and theory and now achieve excellent agreemen